Post for the top of the page!
Ok, John found out a way to make my new posts show up on the top of the page now. Well, as far as I know it'll work. I trust him enough to tell me the truth when it comes to this. Will it? Well lets find out, shall we?
Ok, John found out a way to make my new posts show up on the top of the page now. Well, as far as I know it'll work. I trust him enough to tell me the truth when it comes to this. Will it? Well lets find out, shall we?
Secular Humanism. Thats what I was originally gonna call this site. But then I realized, nah, I like When Yuppies go to Hell better. Anyway, I'll probly only use this blog to talk about music and music related things. Not particular bands or anything, that would be boring. I mean really getting into things. Oh by the way, I DO NOT believe in secular humanism. Or just humanism in general.
Im not feeling in a long phylisophical discussion right now. Seein as how theres no one to converse with. Anyway, Im gonna be personnal right now: damn you Taylor, why arent you a Budhist?!
Every musician has an off day right? What are the odds that 6 different musicians have an off day on the very same day, you ask? Very slim. But it happened today. Even the brilliant keyboardist David Niles messed up. Funny as hell though. I cherish those moments when that happens to him. Im gonna stop talking about him though goes theres only pretty much one person whos gonna read this who knows what Im talking about. Anyway, again, this isnt the kinda post I wanna do for this, so hang in there, Ill get to the good stuff soon enough. And yes, I know the date is wrong (whoever that person was who commented on an earlier post). But believe it or not, it is actually Jan. 1st 2006. And it always will be...