"It is impossible to achieve the aim without suffering."- J.G. Bennett
The praise we can give by words or physical actions are too small, so these praises find an alternate route to escape into the air.
If to be humbled is what one seeks then they will recieve it.
Listening is just as important as speaking. How quickly things change with "what are you doing this afternoon? Can you be here by 2:30?". How could it change so fast? It's beyond me and mine is not to reason why. But if a fellow player has a request such as that, it is my honor to recieve it and dive into whatever could happen with childlike abandon. This approach should be a life goal as well, now that the childlike abandonment is harder to attain as a result of aging.
Assuming the role as a musician is too daunting for me and much too high a degree of being for me to brand myself with. One can't make Music happen, one can only make a way for it to happen and then it will happen if it pleases. David spoke great words to me today. If only I could remember what they were, but in a nutshell his idea was theory is only an attempt to approach something that is unapproachable. This comment was directed toward human reason trying to make sense out of something as unattainable as the act of Music. The best thing a student could hope to learn from theory is the ability to forget it. To internalize it. If knowledge is not internalized it is not true understanding, it is only passing.
Beginning early afternoon today there was a sense of something. After many many weeks of being away from truth, it decided to show itself again. How and why I don't have the slightest clue, but again, mine is not to reason why and I'd rather not know. The truth of that truth would be too much to bear.
By the grace of God five men were able to allow Music to happen by listening, complimenting, and supporting one another in their common aim.
A woman came up to my father after he preached this morning and told him she saw an enormous angel standing behind him as he spoke. At the same time at a different place my sister felt a weight on her heart to pray for him, but she didn't know why, or for what purpose. I'm not sure why he was protected in this way. None of us know, but higher authority governed it, and again, ours is not to reason why.
My hands and my spirit told me to practice tonight, and I didn't know why. Practical thinking lead me to believe that I had played enough for one day, but this had nothing to do with "enough" or practicality. My mind formed chords and told them to my hands and I listened. They created short melodies and told them to my hands and I listened. They realized structure and I listened. But then my spirit felt something and told it to my mind. My mind saw it and told it to my hands. My hands knew it and finally allowed it. A sense of something followed. My eyes remained shut and my hands continued on, but they were not saying what they wanted to say, they were saying what that something had to say. Time must have passed but I was not aware of it. Such is any experience with truth. That sense of something was enternal, like it had been there thousands of years. It probably has, and it finally passed through me. Silence was the most respect I could offer it afterward. So I sat. Praise to the one who first saw this happen, who created it, and who presented it to me for those few minutes.
He who catches joy; it flies.
I'm not exactly sure what part you're refering to but if you were interested I could try to elaborate sometime so that it's clearer. Although the hope of it ever being explained well by me is silly. The feeling was far too great to last so I doubt I'd explain it any better, and even if I did successfully it would be more cold and mechanical than I would want.
Me thinks I may have contracted that devil cold you were plagued with. My throat began to hurt earlier today and hasn't gone away and that never happens so I think it's a sign of it. No matter, though. Unless I'm feeling too ill to move I will still make it to MV!
Yeah I didn't understand it and I felt bad. What was it supposed to beee??
Can we bake French Fries on Fry-day? It would be delightful.
I totally have to tell you who I totally like. It's like, totally awesome because I totally like this person like so like much like like.
I hated typing that and I apologize that I had to put you through it.
Ever ever!!!!
That's fine cause guess what, someone already told me!
Big surprise Katie. EVERYONE knows you like him. It's obvious whenever I'm around you two at the same time you totally can't even hide it. You've wanted to jump his bones for a while so big deal! You'll never find out who I like.
I see it I see it! That's a very cute picture I wish I could make it bigger.
incoherent dribble dribble babble babble I's talking to you right now and my stomach is empty. dribble dribble babble babble.
Fannee Doolee does not exist! And even if she were alive she would certainly not like someone as fanneeless as I.
That damn damn robot!! I've had many of those things post on here and I used to think they were real people. That's just what I get for being so stupid I suppose.
Tim Doherty has a new cd out, it's called "It's too early to think about Christmas gifts and I feel sick from being overworked". I bought it for you for Christmas, even though that album title is against gifts at this time of year.
I love you too pandas. You know what else I love? Munchin on this bagel. About every two weeks or so I wake up and I think "do I have too many bagels?", and then I think "no screw that, you can never have too many bagels".
Thank you again for being here this weekend I had a wonderful wonderful time and guess what! I actually remembered to tell my mom about your dream! She laughed alot and thought it was sweet.
Now it's off to work I go.
I knew you wouldn't do too bad, youz smaht. Remember, I have strings I can pull and I'll damn sure pull them if need be.
What kind of bagels would we eat on this date? I cant get enough cinnamon raisen. I had a cinnamon overload today. I had a cinnamon raisen bagel for breakfast, and at work I had a sadnwich with cinnamon raisen bread and cinnamon bugels. Yep! Bugels!! I think I'm spelling that right but you know what I mean.
Your mom DIDN'T text rabbit to me. I'm deeply offended.
I wasn't anything for halloween especially a handsome boy (seein as how I'm a girl anyway) and I don't think I ever will be anything on that day. END OF DISCUSSION!!
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I don't know I don't know I don't know!!!!! Kathryn Calrissian misses Timothy "Lando" Calrissian?! I don't knooowwwww!!
Lando Calrissian was the black guy from Star Wars who betrayed the Jedi people.
What's voila break?? And what's my present??! I didn't tell you anything when you asked so what could it be?? I don't know why I'm questioning you. You always get something without me asking and it always tickles my fancy. I'd really like to see you in your winter get-up. Can I can I? Braegen doesn't seem like a name. Is it pronounced Bray-gen? I wonder what it means.
I didn't think ice cream cones could be set on fire. Now I'm curious. Wanna have a ice cream cone bon fire? I want a big waffle cone. Those seem like they'd burn better.
I have the song "Samson" stuck in my head, but it's not at the same time. The memory of it is there but I can't actually remember how it goes. I like Regina Spektor just piano and vocal stuff the most so far. I look forward to hearing more of it.
I will help a brother out. I will help many brothers out. Won't you help a sista out?
Everything you said in that had a very cold feel to it, like someone was forcing you to write it or they'd kill you. Was someone threatening you when you wrote that? *shakes fist*
I suspected voila was vwuh-la but I also thought it may have been a word in another language that I didn't know, since you do that sometimes.
I smell gas in the house and it isn't comforting.
I thought the days were gone that my left hand was cold for no reason, but alas, here they are again. Why were last night and this morning horrible? I think I had a dream with you in it too, but I've forgotten. I usually forget my dreams a few minutes after I wake up, unless they were very strange. I think the plans you made me with me in real life should happen instead of being all dream-like.
What concert was it?
*eagerly awaits reply*
How'd you get a splinter?? Was it that damn cracked window?! I don't like that thing and I will plastic wrap the hell out of it. What's with all the different named friends of yours?
Emma's the one that your brother still loves, right?
I think it's funny that there are over 40 "katiesix" and "tim?" comments here and then there's one "2qdc29ntd" comment.
I've actually noticed that you seem to be one of the guys, even though I'm not there. But you'd always talk about hanging out with guys more than girls so that's what it seemed like. If you're a boy at heart I'm scared, cause that means I think a boy is attractive, and not in just a casual "Yeah he's a good lookin' guy" way.
I like calzones sometimes! Unless they're sloppy. My mumsie is making turkey chili! Huzah!!! No cornbread though :(
I found out that a round trip ticket to New Dehli in India is only 1015 dollars, which is alot less than I thought. I could pay for that now if I wanted to. I hope the Bot doesn't break down within the year because I'd have to buy a car, and I doubt I'd be able to find anything decent for under a grand. But we'll see.
Stop not eating! I don't like it. I like hearing you say you ate because I know you're nurished and that doesn't seem to happen that often. Oh oh I need to change my strings! And I need to get that Christmas (not birthday) present of yours. We will have as much fun together as we allow ourselves to have, which I think should be alot.
5pm Dec. 19th it is. We won't even get to your house in Mashpee until after 8 haha. Oh well. This was a long comment. Sorry. I hope you're online soon so I can talk to you.
*destroys house while waiting for turkey chili*
Awww man I was hoping it wouldn't be really cold when we get there. It's inevitable I suppose but still. I'll find out how to turn the heat on. If not, then we freeze.
Where would we sleep upstairs? Your bed isn't there anymore so what's the deal?
I showered earlier and my upper lip is now really dry. I get dry-lip instead of dry-eye like you.
Yes of course I still find you attractive.
Clementines are yucka. If anything go with the big brother of the clementine. The real one.
I told Angie that I'm going to be in Amherst on the 19th and she said she's free all that day so I'm going to hang out with her for a few hours before I see you. So whenever you're ready you can call me or something and I can be there within a couple of minutes! It was her 20th birthday yesterday. She's ancient!
I always thought I'd die before any of my friends turned 20. Maybe I'll die right before you turn 20, which would also mean it would be right before I turn 20. If that happened I'd want everyone to know I predicted it.
It seemed like you were calling yourself a babe at the end there. Youz a babe too,
I thought about it and realized that we probably would be staying in your parents room so no I am not opposed to that.
You may call whenever you're ready. Why will it be sad to say bye to everyone? You're going to see them when you get back from vacation, right?
I forgot you said you plan to die at 19!! Don't though, at least die at 20 with me. At least then you can say you've made it past your teens.
My toes are cold. Off to get food and warmth for toes I go.
Oh also the other night there was a commercial for that XM radio thing and there was the Regina Spektor song that you had lyrics from on one of your away messages playing in the backround. I thought it was funny because I had just told you that I heard a song of hers on the radio. That is all!
I hope I will know how too. I would just ask my dad or something but my parents don't know that no one else will be there so I don't want to ask. I'll do my best to figure it out. I'll bring the small heater in my room in case I can't figure it out, we'd at least keep your parents room warm if not the whole upstairs. That would be silly, we'd be all huddled upstairs and wouldn't want to go downstairs. But I'll do my best!
What could my present be that you only got a little part of it I wonder?? Hhhhmmm. *sigh* guess I'll never know. At least until next week.
Gooood day Suuuunshine (do do do do) Gooood day Suuunshine.
I hope you feel better little bug. Huzzah for complit being over!! And huzaah for A's. Especially for A's. You're a smart little bug.
I am doing well but very exhausted. Woik was difficult. But I won't be surprised in the least if I cant sleep tonight. That seems to be my custom.
I had some straaaaaaange dreams last night...... anyway, have a good night! I hope I can actually get to talk to you before I see you next week.
Yaaay I'm happy for you! See all you have to do is buckle down and you beat that schools ass!
Why do your ears hurt?! Do you have an ear infection? That would be awful.
I hope your stress level lowers quickly. But if today was the most stressful day the coming days probably wont seem so bad. At least I hope they wont.
Yes we can dance! I'm bad though so I'll most likely end up hurting you, so I apologize in advance.
No unfortunately the strange dreams didn't involve you. They just had to do with a couple things John told me last night. He's so damn detailed in his descriptions that they stick with me so I usually end up dreaming about the things that he says. They were not very pleasent things.
I'm very excited to see you and I will do my best to mellow you out if you're still stressed by next week. Goodnight Katsies.
Bad bad bad bad. Are you taking anything for your sickness? If not, start!! I don't care much for the cramps either. Eat lots of soup! Please please feel better!
I think you'll be fine by Tuesday. And by think I mean hope. Eat soup!!!
College does seem collegey. What kind of "conference" is it? ;) hhhmm? Sorry, I got nothin.
Why is there a midnight breakfast? Is it awesome breakfast food like pancakes and sausage?
I'm excited to see you. I only have one and a half days of work left before I see you! I should see if we have any of that plastic window stuff for your windows.
Turns out I have a back-up plan for your christmas present if the original doesn't work out. Huzah!
I didn't know what you meant by Arrested Development at first. I was thinking of the show. Then I remembered that group you like. Remember when we were cleaning your room and listening to that? Silly silly.
I'm glad you're done with all those classes. If your classes aren't better next semester I will kill all! You said they're better though, right? You told me what they were but I forget easily.
Yes I will tell you what your original present was if I have to go to back-up, but I think you'd like them equally. I hope so anyway. Not a big deal if you don't.
We used to get juice and cheese and crackers before we took big tests when I was in 4th grade. That was the only fun thing I can remember about young schoolin'.
You'll get to see Terri all of your vacation, won't you? Why would she want to come down now if you're going to see her so soon anyway? I's confused.
I'm very happy your sickness is going away, now if only we can destroy your menstruation. Bastard girl parts! When is it going to be done? Will you have cramps when we hang out? I'll give you a stomach massage with ice cream. It'll be alittle messy but you'll like it I promise.
I think I drank some bad milk today. Yucka. Have a good night dovey.
You always fake fight? Silly lil' girls. Did you bite her back at least?? If not you should or I will. I haven't bitten anyone in a long time so I have to bite someone. Where is the bruise/hicky? Is it on your bumbum? That would be very lesbian of you. But I don't think you are cause we've talked about it before. You're not the muffin type.
Yay we'll have heat! I guess I won't bring my backup small heater. I have to call John cause he needs to go shopping and I might have to also. Wow only two days till I see you. Whacky. Can't wait Katekat.
moop foop koopa doop!
I wanna know what the surprise iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssss!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhgYE@(*YT&EE@(&!!!
Two years in a row I will have been with you through the new year. I haven't done that with anyone else.
10 points for using the word "surprise" is three different forms in one sentence.
We should spend New Years together every year until we're both too old to remember who we are and if we have pants on or not.
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