Saturday, April 30, 2005


So here's the deal: As of next Wednesday I will be gone for a week and a half. I got a call from my Aunt who lives in Richmond and she said that no more than a few blocks from her house Bela Fleck's acoustic trio will be playing. It's a small outside "garden" type venue. She's paying half for a train ticket down there for me so I might as well. I'm very excited, as I didn't think I'd get to see Bela Fleck any time soon. Also it's a direct train right to Virginia so I dont have to move an inch once I'm on it. I can read and listen to things and watch the scenery. Also I'm going to be by myself the whole time so it'll be a different experience.

I'm sure none of you care that there will be no Tim action for over a week, but I'm hoping it'll be a good experience. John was gonna go, but he's quee', so he cant. Also I get to see my cousin graduate from military school. So anywho, John and I went to this record store in Plymouth yesterday, and I got 14 records for 58 bucks. Damn good deal. I wont bore any of you with what I got, but it's some damn fine stuff. I recommend the store to anyone who likes stuff you cant find easily, but just to be an ass I wont tell you the name of it.

I'll inform you of how the trip was when I return on the day of Monday the 16th. Unfortunately, getting back on the 16th means that I wont be able to see Ryan's band play at the Worcester Palladium on the 14th. So if he reads this, I sincerely apologize. I didn't realize that the time I'm getting back is two days after it. I wish his band the best of luck, and if they dont win they'd better come in 2nd, if not, I kill the judges. So this will be the last post until my return. Ya'll have a good two weeks, ya' hear?

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Statesboro Taylor.

Well I was going to update anyway, but Taylor was all stupid and yelled at me somethin fierce.

I gots myself a job now. I'm terribly sore from it, but I think my confidence in what I can do there is building a bit. For those of you who dont know it's carpentry. I'm going to have to start doing push-ups because it will make it alot easier and less painful in the long run. My boss was telling me that when he was in "The System", he did 500 pushups a night. What the hell?! I didn't think that was even possible. But he said within the next few months he wants me to try to get in the 100 a night a few nights a week. It's possible, but I'll just be sore all the time for quite a while.

It's been over a month and a half since I signed up for driving lessons and my teacher still hasn't called me back even though he said it would be about a month. Rat bastard.

Becca is in Italy still. I tried convincing her that there would be a terrible hailstorm and someone she knows would die in it or her plain would crash because of it or at the very least she wouldn't be able to do much for most of the trip. Didn't work though. She must've reeeeaaally wanted to go. Hope she's having a good time.

Does anyone else find it funny that the exchange between John and I on the comments for his last post talk of him thinking his cousin is "fine", and then his older sister leaves a comment on the same thing, allowing her to read it and realize that her little brother is sexually attracted to his cousins? I thought it was amusing.

Ryan apparently has an intuitive telepathy to me, and has for a while. I didn't realize until the other day when I went to his house and spoke to him about something. Creeeeeeeepy.

A few weeks ago John informed me of his dad wanting to play in the way of Indian Raga music with me after they had listened to a group I had burned a few cd's for John of that draw most influence, or most band members in general, from Indian classical music. I forget if I mentioned it on here on a previous post but if I havn't I'm doing it now. I became greatly extatic because I've been wishing I could play that type of music with someone of the caliber and knowledge of percussion as Norman does. I hope that will occur soon.

I walked earlier tonight. The walks I take become better and better each time. I find it more of a time for spiritual focussing and not just walking because it is a nice night. And on that note, since I can't think of anything else I feel like putting on here, I bid you goodnight.

Friday, April 08, 2005

"As long as you got yo' mind on one somthin'."

Alright well I could say things, but I decided, since I dont like doing this unless I feel like saying something, which isn't often, I'm not going to update. So I doubt I'll be saying anything on it much anymore. But the way things work I'll have a dozen things that I want to write down a few days after I post this, so ya never know.