Meeting with a Remarkable Man.
"Awakening begins when a man realizes he is going nowhere and does not know where to go."-G.I. Gurdjieff
My Father has surprised me many times in the past year or so, but only until the passed few weeks have I felt I've met him. I've sorely underestimated his ability of impact in his convictions, which many I hold to myself of equal importance. My thought of late has been sharpened to search. I have shamefully done little to contribute to this desire but, God willing, that will change. A monistary life has seemed appealing, but all too confined, at least for a period of length. The lack of passion in this may be because of my unwillingness to divulge such moving conversations with such a wise person, but there is no lack of conviction on this end.
A great, and long weekend has nearly passed and I couldn't be happier about it. Certain introductions of new people in ones life have a way of changing the way one views the whole. If that one person is taken out of the whole, the entire pyramid is shaken. If that one persons influence becomes stronger, the whole becomes stronger. Without shying away from this whatsoever, a wonderful trip to a wonderful persons house this passed Saturday. An exciting, and somewhat expected practice yesterday when I was faced with the decision to do nothing, or get somewhere. A grand amount of shovelling this morning, and more to come tomorrow at work. And now? A realization that I have nothing more to type. This was entirely expected.
"Let God kill him who himself does not know, yet presumes to show others the way to the doors of His Kingdom."- old Persian proverb
My dog is your dog!
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