Wednesday, June 23, 2004

I gots myself some new glasses!

That's right, it's true. I got myself some new glasses. John, being the retard that he is, grabbed my head once and my glasses flew to the ground and he then stepped to the side, crushing them with his shoe. Needless to say I was a bit upset, but then I thought it to be rather funny. Anyway, the point is Ive been wanting new ones for a while now and I got them today. They fit absolutely perfectly and I can see better now. My vision has gotten alittle worse over the past year or so, so its kind of been bothering me. They dont look much different at all except they're slightly more square than the other ones. Anywho, Im leaving now.


At June 23, 2004 at 3:26 PM, Blogger Johnny said...

Tim, listen, I had no choice but to fling your glasses to the ground and then step on them. It wasn't my fault, honestly. When you think about, I'M the victim here. The victim of years of sleeplessness and caffiene abuse. And I have a grudge against glasses since the great glasses war of 1876,

Goodbye forever, I'm leaving you.


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