Thursday, July 22, 2004

Aint no green Pilot Dr. Grip pen like a Nick Cannon green Pilot Dr. Grip pen cause a Nick Cannon green Pilot Dr. Grip pen dont stop.

Believe it. I am staring straight at a green "Dr. Grip" pen as I type. Im so very tired, and my computer wont let me update so if I ever have an ispired moment to write anything on this, chances are you wont see it, cause I just cant think the same way on other computers.

Power went out this morning for a good hour or so. It's scary how much we all rely so much on electricity in every thing we do. I think Id snap after a while just cause there would be no fan. I need some sort of white noise to keep me from freaking out. Oh Oh! I remembered something. No one ever say "am I the only one that ever feels that way", or, "I dont know, maybe Im just weird for thinking/feeling like that". Of course you're not the only person that would think a certain way about anything! And no one is "weird" for thinking a certain way, cause there's always gonna be tons of people (probly even that you know or even that you're directing the thing toward) that feel exactly the same way about whatever it may be. Now Im sure you're probly thinking that Im shooting this towards a particular person, but Im not. I just noticed those kind of things being said on various sites and it upset me for some reason.

Man, Ill tell ya, a lack of sleep really puts me in a bad mood. Thank God Ill always have my lucky ol' hammer..... oh no..... Mathew??.... Oh God no... MATHEW?!?!.......

It's over. Yes, he stood by all our sides at one point or another. And who among us can really say that he didn't stand for the universal "sculpture", if you will, of the ideal hammer. Soon we'll all be buried face down in the proverbial tool shed of the earth. Waiting for that mighty blacksmith to whisk us away and "fix us" for the building of the "final house".


At July 22, 2004 at 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was thinking about how incredibly horrible it would be if all the electricity went out... permanently. the way i society works we completely rely on it, it would be mass chaos and noone would know how to function. and then i think it kinda sucks becuz we do rely on elecriciy so much. i know id go crazy without it. ok im done now.

At July 22, 2004 at 1:24 PM, Blogger Taylor said...

Get some sleep, you rat bastard!

At July 22, 2004 at 2:49 PM, Blogger Johnny said...

This blog update makes me want to kill you.


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