Saturday, July 03, 2004

Stupid Fingers.

I dont know. I aint feelin none too good right now. I think it's cause I havnt practiced a whole lot lately and the change is making me sad. I never wanted it to change though. Im just eager to get involved in other stuff so it's hard to keep practicing when im not interested in actually guitar work right now. It's more in composition that Im interested in. Unfortunately I cant read or right music on paper, so it makes the whole proccess very difficult and pretty much non existant. I swear I just saw lightening coming out of the door frame just now. Boy howdie do us youngins take this whole "still working body that isnt diseased and ugly" thing for granted, huh? (Excluding Johnny on the "working body" part). I for one cannot wait to get older, Im just not looking forward to the inevitable sickness and depression that most old people face.

I saw this thing being sold on a religious t.v. station as I was channel surfing at John's house earlier. It was what looked to just be a glass.... thing, with a picture of Mary in it holding the baby Jesus, and it had this (what looked to be) white rose thingy on top of it. It kind of made me upset that they were selling it. I dont know why really, I guess that people are making a prophet out of something like that and calling it holy just cause it has a picture of Mary in it. I think I just got kind of upset was cause I saw a really stupid telivangelist slightly before that on a different channel. No wonder some people think Christianity is stupid and fake, cause everyone that represents Christians are hypocritical telivangelists who yell alot and get all sweaty on an alter. Lord knows I wish people didnt think Christianity is stupid, but with stuff like that its hard to blame them. Anyway, Im just saying little things that were on my mind at the moment so I will stop now.


At July 4, 2004 at 4:53 PM, Blogger Johnny said...

You lucky stiffs and your working bodies. You don't know how good you have it. I tried to walk three houses down the street an hour ago, and I'm still paying for it.
Seriously, I hate you all.

Hey I fixed my computer.

At July 6, 2004 at 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont u love them televangelists? i really can understand why ppl dislike our faith so much. theres an awful lot of bad representatives of it. altho thats true with every faith. i hope u feel better and figure out this whole composing nusic thing. and why werent u at the arts festival on the fourth of july?!?! i almost cried tim! we looked for u and u said u be there but u werent. u just werent.


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