My baby is due...
Sitting at John's, waiting for him to get out of the shower. It'll be abooouuut.... two more hours. Anyway, I really feel no connection with this stupid blog anymore since I cant do it at my own house. Although Ill be able to soon.
Went to music ministry the other night with Dave Niles. It was raining hard and we arrived about 40 minutes early so we sat in his car and listened to really stupid music. It was fun though. We talked about how bad some of it was and how good some of it was if you consider the limited musical knowledge they have, but what they do with it that makes it so interesting. Also I went over alot with Greg about a line that he and I play together at the beginning of this one song. I've never done that before, actually going over a line by telling the person what notes to play (that's right Taylor, I can do that pretty well now) and the rhythm it's in. Let alone a sax player. Good experience all around. Guess who's going to see Chick Corea this November? GIVE UP?!?!! It's me. Im sure everyone is jealous. Yeah I know, I didnt think you would be.
Well now John and I have to go back to that yard sale dealy to pick things up. Yaaaaaa'll have a good day.
I once married a man named Chick Correa. He lived in Peru.
Whoa man. I seriously thought I commented on this earlier.
Moving on... I had a joke that I was going to say, but now I can't remember it.
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