Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Eleven thoity...

It's 11:30 am and I still dont have any pants on. But I havn't showered yet and I hate putting pants on before I shower. Today should be the day that I have drivers ed. But I had my mumsie call the school this morning and she said that as far as they know, Mr. Glazer should be coming in, but sometimes if it snows they cancel afterschool programs, which would for some reason include that class. So if it is cancelled again, Im gonna be alittle upset, but then again it's less that I have to do. I also told John that Id be going to his house earlier but I cant until my mumsie calls me back and tells me if its cancelled or not for sure. Oh sorry, Fo' sho'. So the smart thing to do would be to shower, but Im afraid I cant do that at this time, for I am writing this.

Is it me or has mostly everyone I know gotten alittle weird lately? I dont know what it is, and maybe it happens to every generation, but one's thing's for sure.... I dont care much either way cause it doesnt really effect me. It just seems like the people I know are trying to find out what they believe and what they love alot more than before. Not that any of us has had much time at all to think about that or even think about what we could love, cause lets not kid ourselves, we're all very young. Everyone who reads this and everyone who you know is young. Even the adults. Im saying this more from the standpoint that there's alot of people that dont actually "grow up" until they're almost dead, and its funny to me when people I know, or just people Ive heard of that are still as young as us, or maybe alittle older, think that just cause they hit a certain age that they're an "adult" in every sense of the word. Im not gonna call myself a "man" until I have a family and have gone through all the changes I feel I can until I finally realize who I actually am, which wont be for a damn long time. Have you ever heard a 70 year old (or thereabouts) guy meet someone thats like 30 years old and say "Aw you're still a baby, you got a long way to go"? Cause it's very true. No matter how "mature" any of us think we are, (none of us are), we'll still have so much stuff to do and go through that, if looked at on the grand scheme of our lives, would seem impossible to attain in this lifetime if we just skipped ahead to what we're gonna be like in 50 years or so. I could write alot more, but I didnt intend to write any of this at all, so Im going to stop. Plus Im sure some of you will completely disagree with me and actually think that you're, in any sense, "mature" in some way, so Im gonna stop to avoid drama. My only hope is that some of us, if not all, will one day find out on our own what it means to be an actual "adult". It doesnt matter if you agree with me or not at this point in time, all that matters is you find out eventually. Anyway, I hate talking like this cause it seems like a "your average stupid ditsy teen" type thing. Can a guy be ditsy? Anywho, goodday.


At January 5, 2005 at 9:17 PM, Blogger Taylor said...

I'll die at the age of three.

At January 6, 2005 at 12:02 PM, Blogger Johnny said...

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At January 7, 2005 at 9:36 AM, Blogger Johnny said...

I think of myself as a Man. I know that's a lil' bogus, as I am not the most mature person in the world (in fact, I may be the least!) but my dad refers to me as a man, so... so do I.
I'm not an adult, and I'm not fully matured, by far. But I still have some of the adult responsibilities to face, and tha adult recognition of responsibilities yet to come.

That was such a horrible comment. Please, kill me, and then make love to my bones, and use my marrow as lube to sodomize Taylor.

(I found a typo in the previous comment I had here, and I grew obsessed with it and deleted it so that I could re-enter the comment sans typo.)


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