Saturday, December 04, 2004

Rock Island Line...

This has been one of the best Saturday mornings I can remember. I got up and my dad and I listened to some Robert Johnson and talked about how great the old blues is, and the history of American music and then somehow got into a long discussion about God and stuff of the like. It was great. It always serves me well to talk to him about things like that. Also, as of the past few days I have, with my dad's knowledge of older rock 'n' roll, become aware of a man by the name of Lonnie Donnegan. Who is Lonnie Donnegan, you ask? Well, ya know how everyone says (usually) "The Beatles started it all" or what have you, or that they're so influencial? Well Lonnie Donnegan, my friends, was the man who influenced The Beatles. If it weren't for him they would never have existed. "Well so what?", you say, "everyone has influences and The Beatles wouldn't be an exception". Of course that's true (except for the few nutcases that think they started it altogether), BUT, it was his sound. They actually copied his sound at the beginning of their career. If I may quote Van Morrison: "Without Lonnie Donegan, there wouldn't have been a British music scene at all, I'd put my money on that." Now for some liner notes: "Morrison's claim is barely exaggerated. When John Lennon's teenage record collection came up for auction a few years ago, the artist most heavily represented wasn't Elvis Presley or Buddy Holly, but Donnegan. Paul McCartney has admitted that it was hearing Lonnie's first single that persuaded him he could form a group of his own. The Beatles duly began life as the Quarry Men Skiffle Group, trying to duplicate both the instrumental line-up and more importantly the sound of Donnegan's early hits."

Hhhhmmm, interesting, isn't it? Anyway, enough of that. I was gonna put something else here but I think I'm gonna wait, or not put it up at all, ever. Off I go!


At December 4, 2004 at 4:00 PM, Blogger Johnny said...

Ronnie Dolligan is my hero.
Wait a minute... double-Us look more like double-Vs! Why hasn't ANYONE noticed this before?

At December 4, 2004 at 5:35 PM, Blogger Taylor said...

You know who really invented rock 'n roll? Def Leppard! C'mon man! How can a one-armed drummer NOT invent rock 'n roll? Sheesh.

At December 5, 2004 at 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats really cool, something i never knew, and i rather enjoy the beatles. it's neat you can have convos with ur dad like that, mine annoys me when he tries to talk to me about god, not sure if it's cuz of him or just cuz of me tho. prolly both. in any case i should hear this donegan sometime, tho my music appreciation isn't on the same level. well i always forget to put my name so there is no sense in starting to. :P

At December 7, 2004 at 2:15 PM, Blogger Australian PRIDE! said...

Hey! It's Tim!! Hello Tim!!!! Say hello, boys and girls!! ::boys and girls:: Hello, boys and girls!!!



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