Thursday, December 09, 2004

I dont have a Dentist Guru...

But apparently some other people do. John being one of them. I just got back from the dentist and my mouth has this weird... clean feeling. Im not sure I like it. But I showed them, cause last time I was there they said "Be sure to use the floride rinse and floss every night", so i did for a while, but then stopped entirely, but now im flossing, but not using the floride rinse and do I have any teeth problems? No siree. Tim= 1 - Dentist= about 5 or 6. Im assuming thats how many cavities Ive had. Im catching up though.

So lets seeeeeeee, what day is it? The 9th? That aint too bad I suppose.

Hey so I read in the paper today that this guitarist from this band I used to like a long time ago called Pantera was shot and killed on stage at a show in Ohio yesterday. Or I think it was yesterday anyway. But anyway, isn't that nuts? I mean, I havn't listened to them for a long time and I wasnt that huge a fan when I did, but still, thats very sad. A guy just ran up on stage and shot him at point blank range a bunch of times and he died right there. A cop did shoot the guy who shot him, and he died too, which is good that he got what he deserved so quickly, but still. I mean, his own brother is the drummer in the same band as he was. Imagine seeing your own brother get shot and killed right in front of you while you're doing the same thing that you've done most of your life. Scary stuff, man. Scaaarryyy stuff.
Who's up for some dodgeball? I think Im hungry, but Im not sure. Well fella's, I really dont have anything to say, I wish I did more so as to briefly entertain anyone who looks here, but Im far far too illcreative to do so. Good day.


At December 10, 2004 at 3:34 PM, Blogger Australian PRIDE! said...

One time I had a cavity. However, it was in a baby tooth and therefore fell out. One time I went to Wal-Mart. The end.

At December 10, 2004 at 7:50 PM, Blogger Johnny said...

John: -12 Dentist: 500
(That's how old my cat is!)


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