Sunday, January 09, 2005

Way to maximize your closet space, jerk...

The move for the Colon family is almost entirely complete. We got most of the stuff to the new house today. Ralph Stone had to back the moving truck up right near the front steps of their old apartment, and I had to direct where he was going. It was frightening. Cause half the truck was in the street and the other big half was coming toward me, nearly hitting a parked car and an air conditioner above me. But it was a success. It's amazing how quickly we've all gotten everything to the new house, cause they have accumulated so much over the years cause they never throw anything out, even if they dont need it. So it's been a nice day. At one point Angie and Dave and I went to the grocery store cause Ang was asked to go to the store but she didnt wanna go by her pansy self, and I bought donuts. Dont worry, I shared. Then Dave drove me home, and at one point when we were stopped at a stop sign and Ang and liz and ellen were behind us I threw half a donut at Angie's car. Then we bolted off. It was great. And now Im here, with no John a block away to go to his house whenever I feel like it. Ill have to be driven or drive myself when I get my liscence. I wasnt thinking about it the entire time we were moving stuff, but I just did and I thought about it and it's probly gonna make me really sad when I realize even more of how different it'll be. Granted, Ill still go to their house, but it's not the same, even though this new house is fantastic. Anyway, enough of me bitching about things being slightly different now. Good day to everyone.


At January 9, 2005 at 11:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn mothers and not letting me have the computer. i knew u threw something at me! jerkface! im just kidding, i love u anyways. welp today was loads of fun, and it is gonna be really weird now. not that i ever see lena as it is, but now its gonna be twice as hard! and this new phone number deal is really gonna screw with my mind. anyways, death to that annoying machine at the self checkout.

At January 10, 2005 at 3:06 PM, Blogger Australian PRIDE! said...

Don't worry Tim! I think anyone would be sad about something like this!! As the Chinese would say on A Christmas Story......."Deck da hars rith bours of horry....farararara." I almost said a racially offensive slur there, but I was able to control myself.


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