Saturday, June 26, 2004


Rarely do I get a night where all the music I hear seems to sync up with the blissful feelings of the ultimate truth being so near me. I felt something. It wasnt without its veil though. But Im not expecting any more than that as of now. I only wish I could show everyone what some things feel and sound like when they're so perfect in their own way that it feels as though God gave you a little glimpse into where he resides, even though you know what you feel is not even the tiniest fraction of what is to come, yet you're perfectly content with what you're given at that time. You know sometimes, when you see something so simple or feel something that effects you in such a profound way and think, "this is why we're here", or something along those lines, yet when you try to tell other people what you felt or how it came about they put it down and think that it's stupid, or that it's too simple to be true. Well every time I experience that feeling I know for a split second why Im meant to be where I am and what the point of everything is. I know there's ALOT otherwise, too much for me to possibly comprehend, but I see for a brief moment, the light from the little sphere at the bottom of the "universal ocean" that has a direct line to my mind and spirit of the absolute truth. This is no religious rant, no spiritual lecture, it's simply the hope that others will come across some day what I've already been granted in my niave young self.

"What need have I for this
What need have I for that
I am dancing at the feet of my Lord
All is bliss
All is bliss."


Thursday, June 24, 2004


GET IT?! You would if I told you that I have Dislexia. My mom had a meeting with the head of the homeschooling program dealy for bridgewater and she was telling the lady how I see things that arent there, like numbers or words and it really confuses me alot of the time, and thats part of the reason why I get alot of things wrong haha. Ya see cause Dislusionexia isnt a word. That's an example of something I may see if I saw the word Dislexia. Or I just see words backwards or sometimes. It's not really all that bad of a problem. I mean, sure it hinders my learning ability and what have you, but I only notice that it happened when Im told what I did wrong. So its great! So now I have an excuse to be as dumb as I am. Nah Im just kidding, I dont have an excuse. Im just stupid as it is.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

I gots myself some new glasses!

That's right, it's true. I got myself some new glasses. John, being the retard that he is, grabbed my head once and my glasses flew to the ground and he then stepped to the side, crushing them with his shoe. Needless to say I was a bit upset, but then I thought it to be rather funny. Anyway, the point is Ive been wanting new ones for a while now and I got them today. They fit absolutely perfectly and I can see better now. My vision has gotten alittle worse over the past year or so, so its kind of been bothering me. They dont look much different at all except they're slightly more square than the other ones. Anywho, Im leaving now.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

I hate you guys.

That's right. I said it. I hate all of you. Wanna know why? Cause there's no friggin point to doing this damn blog!!! If someone would comment on it then it may make me feel better about it, but no one is! So I grow weary of it. Im cutting you all off!! HA HA!!!!!!!

Monday, June 21, 2004

Sexual Harrassement in the Workplace...

I worked today. It was grand. Got to move stuff, paint, and listen to some Zappa at the same time. Yesterday I tuned my aucustic guitbox to slide guitar tuning so I could try to do some shazz. It sounds great. Now if only I could actually play me some blues slide guitfiddle, I would be in the zone.

OH OH! On the way to my woik today I saw Clayton (the guitarist from a blues band I played with a few times) walkin down the street. I was gonna yell out the window at him but then I realized that Im not on the right side, nor were we going slow enough for my mom to act quick enough, NOR would he recognise me in such a short glance. So my dream was crushed. Anywhoooooo, I got a portion of my right pinky cut off today. I had to be rushed to the hostpital....... no im just yankin ya. But seriously, folks.

Listen Leah, I think Ive waited long enough for you to be online more often and its pissing me off! I cant remember exactly why I brought that up but it is. I had a weird dream last night. But I aint gonna tell ya nothin! Welp Im leavin. Dont ya love how I seemlessly slide in and out from topic to topic? I bet none of you saw the curve balls I threw at you.


Friday, June 18, 2004

*Hangs up talking cap*

Welp, time for me to hang up my talking cap for a while until Im more grounded in what I really believe. Some of you may think it's weird for me to do that, mainly because this involves a spiritual standpoint, cause I probly seemed to be so grounded in it not long ago at all, lets say.... a day ago. But I realized something in my own thoughts yesterday (or maybe it started a few days ago) that I am a very weak person spiritually. I honestly dont know how I made it through my childhood with the faith I had, maybe because I didnt really see any other way of going about things, but I need time to get to know myself and everything around me first before I do too much. Who knows, maybe God is telling me to rest a bit cause Ive talked to more people and tried to help them spiritually than I ever thought I could at this age, but I could be trying too hard, and whatever it is it's starting to take a tole on me mentally. So I think Im gonna take it easy for a bit.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


Ok, what Johnny said was pretty much exactly what I was saying. I dont know if you read it wrong or something, but it was essentially the same thing. It was also the same as whoever the anonymous person was. PUT YOUR NAME DOWN. It feels weird if I dont know who is saying something.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

I understand!!!

Ok, so a while ago I read somewhere that some "metalheads" think that thinking about music is taking away from the whole point of it. Now I pondered this for a while, I thought back to when I was once a fan of speed/thrash metal (I still am, just not nearly as much as i used to be), but couldnt really understand what that statement meant. And I realized the other day what I think it means. I believe it means that if you think about the world of music itself, or, become a critic about it lets say, and THAT is what takes away from the point of it. Cause I was listening to Phil and Ryan talk about different albums and pretty much rating them (dont get offended ryan, that just re-sparked the pondering of what I wanted to know what that statement was about), and I realized that it's silly to rate them and say what level a certain album peice of music is on or what have you. The point is to appreciate what a certain peice is. If you start rating things and/or making fun of other things then you become a critic. I've tried my best over the past year or so to think about the right ways to go about situation or topics like this, and Im kind of starting to understand. I've hardly scratched the surfice, but it's making more sense. It's one thing when you say you preffer a certain style or genre or album over another, but its entirely different when you say, "This sucks, and what I like is better", because thats just your opinion. One thing can be completely ideal to one person, while the other person could think its stupid and pointless, that's too critical. Good music is good music and that's it. So stop thinking about it so much. Thinking about what you're going to be playing or adding in a certain part or certain notes to make it more complex or how difficult its gonna be is different than say its better than something else.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

I. The Cord of Life

Ryan knows what Im talkin about. Hopefully..... That bastard. Anyway, so Jeff Vachaun (sp?) and Phil Wilcox apparently "rated for best guitarist in BR". I ask you two, what the hell for? First of all, rating guitarists is a stupid hobby. It's fine if you talk about it amongst yourselves and about your favorite guitarists, but you cant rate anyone as better than anyone really unless someone's just learning how. One guitarist could be excellent at blues but suck at.... South African finger picking. While another guitarist from Africa could be the best at what he does, but not know how to play a lick of blues (thats doubtful, but still). That's just an example, but it can (and is meant) to be in a general sense of every guitarist. Secondly, WE'RE JUST KIDS!!! What the hell do we know yet? We're gonna grow older and our view of good guitar playing will probly change completely. So shut up. It's pointless.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

With proper instruction, You could be a chess GOD...

That's what Chuckie said to me this morning. haha. John and I played a game of chess the other night at the Engleys, and let me tell you, it was a sight to behold. I had my king and a single pawn on the board while John had quite a bit more than me. So it ended up lasting for about a half an hour before I had no way out. We were all laughing pretty much the whole time cause it was so stupid. I just kept moving my kind around, trying to find a way even though I knew there wasnt any. But I made a valiant effort. So this morning Chuck got up and barely said a word, his hair all disshovled with tired eyes. And he started making a pot of coffee. And all he said to me was, "Ya know Tim, with proper instruction and guidance you could be a chess GOD." So i started laughing aloud for a while. Cause the whole reason for saying that was so flawed. I'm very proud of myself for that, so I think Im gonna kill myself just cause I know Ill never top it. Goodday!

Monday, June 07, 2004


So I got this John Coltrane album the other night. Funny enough I got back to Ryan's house and was reading this mojo magazine of "top 100" somethin or other, and it just so happened that the album I had bought was on it cause of a 15 minute sax solo (it had the wrest of the band, but it was mainly used for the sax) that was one of his greatest moments I guess. Come on. 15 minutes?! It's hard to play a guitar solo for 2 minutes at the speed and amount of notes he was squeezin in there. My mind couldnt keep up. It was great. Although I read somewhere he played a solo for over an hour. It's not a "full of himself" type thing. He just said that he only plays a solo for as long as it takes to get whatever he wants out. I think thats the best way of going at it. At least in jazz terms. Anyway, Im sure none of you care about that. Or care to read about it.

Who let the dogs out?! heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh. Who let the DOGS out?!?! John, Taylor, and Ryan will get that. I did it just for them *winks*. Why the hell is there only 3 people that comment here?! I know Ang cant for some reason, but thats no excuse. And the rest of you have no excuse either! Especially you Ryan *glares*. One day my friend... One day.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Jam Session with the Rogers!

So I jammed again today. You're probly all tired of hearing about jamming, but tough. Anyway, I went to Ben Rogers' house today and jammed with him and his dad Al. Al is a ver good drummer. He knows his stuff. Bens little brother Sam even joined in at one point. It was good. Nothing that great, but good. Hoping I can do it again soon. Al even said we should get Niles down there with us. Here's hoping. And Leah, I will give you a cd of the session a while ago, I promise. So that means you get a cd AND a walk in the rain. Consider yourself lucky, miss selfish. JEEZ! nag nag nag. In fact I may burn it now... No nevermind. You wont be down here for a while so FORGET IT!!! Welp, Im going to be on my way. I wish I was smarter and wittier so this blog would be more interesting.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Jam Session with Niles!

So I just came back from an hour and a half long jam session with Niles. For those of you who dont know, even though theres only about 3 or 4... or 6 people that go here, Niles is a brilliant keyboardist of whom I play with at my church. Now a few weeks ago Niles, Gary, (the guitarist who is also very good at my church) and I jammed on a sunday afternoon for a couple of hours. Or at least it felt like that. Anywho, it was fweakin unbelievable. It all clicked. It was absolutely gorgeous. Im not bragging or anything, but we were all in the same place musically that day. We recorded most of the really good stuff and I just received the cd of it today. Im very happy I have it now cause its wonderful. Anyway, Niles and I jammed again today. It wasnt as good cause we didnt have gary there to play drums, but it was good. Very different from last. Anywhooo, I could say more but I wont bore you all with little details. I feel I had something more to say but I guess not. Oh Oh!!! That reminded me of Pink Floyd lyric! Here goes!

"The time has come, the song is over
Thought I'd something more to say"

......... It seemed longer than that when I was thinking of it.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Sat on the Balcony

It started raining this afternoon. So i took the opportunity to sit on the balcony, watch the rain, read, listen to music and say my words to God. As a result, Im feeling blissful. Not jokey, not sarcastic or even that creative or anything... just blissful. Not entirely blissful. Thats a big state to be in. But.... content I guess you could say. After the rain ceased, the sun came up almost immediately, striking the pages of La Vita Nuova. Im not going to say any more of this. I feel it's to stay in my mind cause I was blessed with it for the moment.

Just somethin I noticed

On the previous post, where it says that the above quote was Frank Zappa, just in case some of you dont know his musical brilliance, he was saying that as if he were a young person who has almost no musical universe outside of... well you know. You can gather it from what he was saying. Anywhoooo, just didn't wanna cause any confusion. And Taylor, I was planning on digging up his dead rotting bones and making sweet sweet love to them all through the night fancy anyway. Mind ya business fatty!

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

What is Music?

"We're coming to the beginning of a new era, wherein the development of the inner self is the most important thing. We have to train ourselves so that we can improvise on anything- a bird, a sock, a fuming beaker! This, too, can be music. Anything can be music."

Biff Debris in Uncle Meat

That's a favorite quote of mine involving music. Have you ever walked in to, lets say, a factory of some sort, and heard an entire composition from all the machines and everything thats going on around you? When you reach a point where you're comfortable enough in what you will to be music that you can hear anything that goes on around you and perceive it as music. Who says music has to have a 4/4 rhythm or a catchy riff. That's isolating yourself from so much that you could be listening to. It makes me really sad/angry when people say that anything, even if its something Im not into "isnt music". Now I realize that not everyone has the outlook that anything can be music, but it's just such a close minded way of looking at it.

"If John Cage, for instance, says, '"Im putting a contact microphone on my throat, and I'm going to drink carrot juice, and thats my compostion,"' then his gurgling qualifies as his composition because he put a frame around it and said it so. "Take it or leave it, I now will this to be music." After that it's a matter of taste. Without the frame announced, its a guy swallowing carrot juice.
So, if music is the best, what is music?
Anything can be music. But it doesnt become music until someone wills it to be music, and the audience listening to it decides to perceive it as music.

Most people cant deal with that abstraction-or dont want to. They say: "Gimme the tune. Do I like this tune? Does it sound like another tune that I like? The more familiar it is, the better I like it. Hear those three notes there? Those are the three notes I can sing along with. I like those notes very VERY much. Give me a beat. Not a fancy one. Give me a GOOD BEAT- something I can dance to. It has to go boom bap, boom boom bap. If it doesnt, I will hate it very VERY much. Also, I want it right away- and then, write me some more songs like that- over and over and over again, because Im REALLY into music."

Frank Zappa

Is that any of you? If it is.... well... I dont know what to tell ya. I think we were all like that at one point, but its when people reach late teens and still say that or think that when it gets really sad. But then again, not everyone is into music enough to appreciate it, they have other things which is just as respectable. I hope this at least planted a seed for some of you to think differently about it. If not... Im sorry.