Friday, January 28, 2005


charizardinuse: WONG!

TimGuit16: WOOOOOO........................ WONG!!!

charizardinuse: MUY WONG!!


charizardinuse: ahhh!!! MATSUI HITTA HOMEWONG!!


Ryan and I know what's goin on in Japan, or The Motherland, as I like to call it. So how bout this Lauren; you stop making excuses like "We tried to hang out with you guys today but you were to busy cause you hate us", and stuff of the like, and how bout actually coming down this way for ONCE in your life without informing us at all. Jeez!! The same applies for you too Leah. I would expect better from you two.

Anyway, it feels like I havn't posted something to do with music in a while so I feel like I'm wasting space without doing so. I'm sure you can all back me up on that. I waste alot of time. But here's something that could work as a sort of substitute for what's usually posted: I'm going to try to get into Berklee School of Music when college time for Timmy Tumbleweed rolls around. The thought has been on my mind for quite some time now, about two years I believe, and many people have talked to me about it, so I feel that I should. I dont think I'd have anything else going for me when that time comes aside from a steady physical labor job, and I'd really like to go, if I fail, then just for the experience of being around so many musicians. I know it'll be incredbly daunting, but what the hell. So it's the best idea as far as I'm concerned at this point. Ya'll have a good day.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Man, now Taylor's dad is going to see Dave Brubeck with us, which is great, because his dad is great fun, but John's dad wanted to go too but it was too late because I had already ordered the tickets. And Ryan and I were just discussing how many stories could've been had if it was Norman Colon AND Tom Lacrosse?! I mean, come on! Imagine the kind of things that would happen! I can't wait to see the bums on the street though. There's so many in Boston. It's kind of sad. Actually it's very sad, but then you talk to them or listen to them yell stuff or try to direct traffic and it makes everything better again. Just for you though, not for them. They're living their own personal hell while I'm enjoying their silly rants and banters.

Anyway, so I fell into a job or two within the past couple weeks. The first, which is actually still alittle up in the air was from Dave Bergeron asking if I wanted to take over a couple days for him at this guy's house who has his own fish tank cleaning business or what have you, and I accepted. And also it turns out that the school that my dad works at has hired me part-time on account of them not being able to pay me under the table anymore because they've paid me the maximum amount aloud by law for someone who isn't an actual employee. So thing's have been going good. Not that they weren't before, but man, even better now. Unfortunately due to the snow my past two drivers ed. classes have been cancelled, so at the rate we're going I'm not gonna finish them until April. Damn snow. Oh well. Also, I dont hate Katie Weygand nor think she's annoying. But I do consider her and evil dope pusher, so stay away John.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Man, I'm stupid.

Taylor just brought to my attention the fact that I wont need to stop doing this even though we will change services just by saying "Why would switching internet services cause you to get a new blog?". I realized that I wont have to when he asked that because my brain doesnt function the way it should and he then proceeded to express his hatred toward me. I feel the same way. I hate myself more than anything. That's not true, I hate getting my jacket caught on doorknobs in a public setting as well. Also, I wasn't reffering to Katie Hakala when I said "Katie's really starting to piss me off", on John's site. I thought it was Katie W. Not that I hate Katie W. per se, I would just much rather see her dead than alive. Goodnight.

This may be the last post.

Why? Because we're switching internet services, so I may have to start a new dealy. Hopefully not, but I probably will. On the plus side I have attained Dave Brubeck Quartet tickets for John, Ryan, Taylor, Taylor's dad (Mr. L) and myself. Also, Lauren and Leah were supposed to come down this way to ryan's yesterday, but noooo, there's a "blizzard". What's three feet of snow? Honestly? Oh well, they'll reschedule, and all will be right, unless they cancel again cause they're pansies.

WONG! That was from "State of Play" which Ryan and I watched yesterday. Only "WONG!" wasnt actually from it, Ryan just said it in a comical fashion when the one asian guy on the show who had no lines appeared on the screen all of a sudden. Man it was great. Anyway, ya'll have fun without me in this cyber world of ours if I dont update again shortly. Good day.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Hey HEY!

Is it me or does anyone else like John Popper better as an obese man? I mean, his talent isnt diminished now that he's skinny, but he was so much more cuddly as a fat man. Share your thoughts.

I woiked with my dad today, and I got sliced up. Well not really sliced up per se, but I got a gash in between my pointer and middle finger on my left hand from a jagged edge of a sawed off piece of metal from a chair. This probably means I wont be able to play much within the next couple days, because the stretching of my fingers would cause it to reopen. But as far as I know I have the healing power of a vampire so I should be all set in a few minutes.

I am so damn hungry, my hand be shakin. I was going to order the Dave Brubeck Quartet tickets last night for John, Taylor, Ryan and myself, but for some reason ticketmaster gives you a time limit for how long you can be on each page when you're ordering tickets, so I couldnt act quick enough to get the credit card out and write everything down, so I didnt get to order them. My hopes is that we get pretty good seats, but from the Berklee Performance Center pretty much anywhere you sit is a good seat.

I called Ryan up last night and we talked for close to two hours. I realized that I havn't been on the phone for that long for about a year and a half, and my arm hurt from holding the phone for so long. But it was nice, cause we talked about music and whatnot and the possible Pink Floyd reunion that he heard from somewhere. And we both got so excited that I ran to his house and we made love. Then we got off the phone and I pondered the different girly positions that I was sitting/laying in whilst on the phone.

Well there you have it, a completely meaningless post that wasted a few minutes of your life. I win again, peasents.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


This is something I found on a site that I dont even remember how I got to. But at first I thought it was written by Robert Fripp. And if you dont know who Robert Fripp is then too bad cause Im not telling. But I dont think it was actually written by him, it was just something he relayed to someone from a magazine in Argentina or somewhere that related to his own feelings on music and connections within it.

"The musician acquires discipline in order to operate reliably and efficiently in the world. Discipline confers the capacity to be effectual in time. We begin by practising, and in time this becomes a practice. A practice is the external form of any discipline, and may be considered as a body of exercises, techniques and principles of working which make recognisable the identity of any particular practice. The exercises and techniques are specific to the particular practice, the principles underlying them are common to all.

The musician has three disciplines: of the head, the heart and the hands. The exercises and techniques of the practice therefore address the cognitive, affective and motor skills of the student. The aim is to acquire a balanced functioning of all three. The three disciplines are there for actually one discipline. The acquisition of this discipline is impossible without our capacity to experience, and to experience our experiencing. The functions of thinking, feeling and organic sensation are each seats of insight, or perceptual "organs", into different kinds of experience. The development of our experiencing, our perceptual abilities, through these three functions is the beginning of any practice. When a school of craft undertakes an action or undertaking in the world, it develops a body of practices to train those who wish to become part of that action. Traditionally, these are called apprentices.

A practice addresses the "what" and "how" of what we do. The "why" is determined by the particular craft of which the practice is a part. The practice is the visible side of craft and is generally referred to as technique. In a school of music, it prepares the apprentice musician for performance. The greater the technique, the less it is apparent. The apprentice musician plays music. When music plays the musician, the invisible side of the craft has presented itself. Then, the apprentice sees directly for themself what is actually and really involved. A performance of music becomes the act of music, in which process and content are inseparable. A school of craft aims to create conditions under which this experience becomes available to its apprentices. At this point, the concern for technique per se is placed in perspective.


Expectation closes our ears to what is happening in the moment.
Listening is how we eat music.
Hearing is how we digest it.
Hearing transforms sound into music.
Listening is a craft.
Hearing is an art.
Listening changes the performance to which we are listening.
Music changes when people hear it.
What we hear is the quality of our listening.
Our understanding changes what it is that we understand.
Silence is the field of creative musical intelligence which dwells in the space between the notes, and holds them in place.
Silence is a bridge between worlds.
The science is in knowing, the art is in perceiving.
The future is what the present can bear.
The way we describe our world shows how we think of our world.
How we think of our world governs how we interpret our world.
How we interpret our world directs how we participate in it.
How we participate in the world shapes the world.
The presence of absence is an entry into loss.
Things are not as bad as they seem.
They are worse than that.
They are also better than that."

November 1st.1996.
San Jose
Seminary, Gandara, Argentina.

I thought that to be very very well worded and is as of now one of my favorite peices of musical explanation for someone like myself who is very eager to know about this sort of thing. As I have thought of things of that nature but have not found the right words to express how I feel about it. I think that article puts it in good perspective. Well ya know, some of it. Anyway, have a good day.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Way to maximize your closet space, jerk...

The move for the Colon family is almost entirely complete. We got most of the stuff to the new house today. Ralph Stone had to back the moving truck up right near the front steps of their old apartment, and I had to direct where he was going. It was frightening. Cause half the truck was in the street and the other big half was coming toward me, nearly hitting a parked car and an air conditioner above me. But it was a success. It's amazing how quickly we've all gotten everything to the new house, cause they have accumulated so much over the years cause they never throw anything out, even if they dont need it. So it's been a nice day. At one point Angie and Dave and I went to the grocery store cause Ang was asked to go to the store but she didnt wanna go by her pansy self, and I bought donuts. Dont worry, I shared. Then Dave drove me home, and at one point when we were stopped at a stop sign and Ang and liz and ellen were behind us I threw half a donut at Angie's car. Then we bolted off. It was great. And now Im here, with no John a block away to go to his house whenever I feel like it. Ill have to be driven or drive myself when I get my liscence. I wasnt thinking about it the entire time we were moving stuff, but I just did and I thought about it and it's probly gonna make me really sad when I realize even more of how different it'll be. Granted, Ill still go to their house, but it's not the same, even though this new house is fantastic. Anyway, enough of me bitching about things being slightly different now. Good day to everyone.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Oh man Oh man!

It came it came!!! I didnt think it was gonna come till monday! But it came this morning! Anywhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Ryan and Dave and I helped John move alot of his stuff out of his room down to his new house last night. I love his new house. It's like, the perfect house. Today I have to help again. And probly tomorrow too. This time is gonna be rough though, cause we have to move his drafting table out of his room, and probly other stuff from around the house. Large stuff. Also, anyone who hasnt seen his short hair yet, it looks great. It's funny though cause I cant stop thinking that his twelve year old self was transported to this time period. One thing's for sure, Im still tired cause I only woke up about an hour ago and Im far too excited about the thing I wanted that Im not going to tell you what it is coming this morning to type anymore. So this is all you get. You greedy greedy people.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Damn chemical imbalance...

It feels like Ive written that title before. Anyway, yesterday was not the best of days. Although it was a fine day, I felt like I did a year and a half ago or so with the chemical imbalance that I used to have that made me depressed. It was the exact same feeling. No reason for me to feel bad, but I did, and I just had to wait till I fell asleep for it to leave. I feel better this morning, so I guess my brain either sucks again or it was just cause I was being too hard on myself with certain things as Taylor suggested, which I agree with.

Im excited. Why? Because I have an album coming in the mail that I have high expectations for. Im not going to tell you what it is though. That's only for people like Taylor to know when there's a gap in one of our conversations that I try to fill with useless information from my life that he probably couldn't care less about. Ive already told John what it is, so that's all the people that I would think would even have the slightest ability to care about it. Oh well, Im happy so screw you guys.
Ha, remember that "Eleven Thoity" post? That post from sooooo long ago? Where I said that it was 11:30 and I still dont have any pants on? That day has been revised for today. It feels good. I had my drivers ed. class as well on wednesday, and it was easy as hell. Just like John and that wench Katie said it would be. I mean, *nice girl* Katie. NOT wench. Anyway, I have to start my work now, which I should've done a while ago. And then I have to go to John's at some point to help him pack stuff and move stuff for their big move. He told me last night that (since I said Id help on account of me practically living at his house, also that it's bound to be a good time) we would be starting to do things today, even though his blog says that their planning the big move on staurday. Either way though, I still get to see his 3/8 inch hair cut. Good day.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Eleven thoity...

It's 11:30 am and I still dont have any pants on. But I havn't showered yet and I hate putting pants on before I shower. Today should be the day that I have drivers ed. But I had my mumsie call the school this morning and she said that as far as they know, Mr. Glazer should be coming in, but sometimes if it snows they cancel afterschool programs, which would for some reason include that class. So if it is cancelled again, Im gonna be alittle upset, but then again it's less that I have to do. I also told John that Id be going to his house earlier but I cant until my mumsie calls me back and tells me if its cancelled or not for sure. Oh sorry, Fo' sho'. So the smart thing to do would be to shower, but Im afraid I cant do that at this time, for I am writing this.

Is it me or has mostly everyone I know gotten alittle weird lately? I dont know what it is, and maybe it happens to every generation, but one's thing's for sure.... I dont care much either way cause it doesnt really effect me. It just seems like the people I know are trying to find out what they believe and what they love alot more than before. Not that any of us has had much time at all to think about that or even think about what we could love, cause lets not kid ourselves, we're all very young. Everyone who reads this and everyone who you know is young. Even the adults. Im saying this more from the standpoint that there's alot of people that dont actually "grow up" until they're almost dead, and its funny to me when people I know, or just people Ive heard of that are still as young as us, or maybe alittle older, think that just cause they hit a certain age that they're an "adult" in every sense of the word. Im not gonna call myself a "man" until I have a family and have gone through all the changes I feel I can until I finally realize who I actually am, which wont be for a damn long time. Have you ever heard a 70 year old (or thereabouts) guy meet someone thats like 30 years old and say "Aw you're still a baby, you got a long way to go"? Cause it's very true. No matter how "mature" any of us think we are, (none of us are), we'll still have so much stuff to do and go through that, if looked at on the grand scheme of our lives, would seem impossible to attain in this lifetime if we just skipped ahead to what we're gonna be like in 50 years or so. I could write alot more, but I didnt intend to write any of this at all, so Im going to stop. Plus Im sure some of you will completely disagree with me and actually think that you're, in any sense, "mature" in some way, so Im gonna stop to avoid drama. My only hope is that some of us, if not all, will one day find out on our own what it means to be an actual "adult". It doesnt matter if you agree with me or not at this point in time, all that matters is you find out eventually. Anyway, I hate talking like this cause it seems like a "your average stupid ditsy teen" type thing. Can a guy be ditsy? Anywho, goodday.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Funny thing happened...

So I was supposed to have my first drivers ed. class today. But it didnt end up happening. And here's why: First I went to John's house cause he was gonna walk with me there so I could find out where the room was and for moral support as well. So I've kinda been building this up in my head about (even though its very simple and really just an in-and-out thing) how bad its gonna be. It's only cause it's a school environment and I dont do well in those at all and they frighten me to the point where I dont feel like myself anymore and I cant think straight (hence the homeschooling). So anyway, I went to John's about half an hour before I said I was going to be, but I didnt have anything to do except wait so I figured I might as well walk there then. I get there and his mom tells me that he had gone to BR to give something back to someone and say goodbye to some chums since he's not going anymore. So I wait. He still wasnt back yet by around 1:20 and my class was at 2 and we were going to walk and that takes about 15 to 20 minutes from his house. So I find his cell phone number and call him and he said he didnt realize what time it was or something and that he would be at the house in a minute. So I felt alittle better. But in the meantime as I was waiting his mom got a call from the principle of the school I believe and they discussed things of which I dont feel at liberty to say. So John arrived at 1:30 and he was told the things that I dont feel like I should say here and was asked to go pick up Lena (I think you all could've guessed it had to do with Lena). So plans changed and I was left to walk to the school alone. He told me where the room was and I headed out. The whole place made me feel weird since Ive only been in that school a handful of times. Luckily I knew the part of the building I was in fairly well so it wasnt a problem finding out where I was supposed to go. Fortunately I only recognized a couple people and Im sure they didnt recognize me. So I found the room where the class was supposed to be taking place was and on the door it said on a peice of paper something to the effect of:

Drivers education class Jan. 3 2005 cancelled due to teacher flu
So I left and walked through the graveyard across the street from the school and sat on a grave stone (or some stone thing) and thought about what had just happened. So at the same time I felt relieved yet alittle upset since it was such a big build up to me and nothing ended up happening. On one hand I feel good about not having to do it, even though Im positive it would've been the easiest thing in the world (from what Im told from people who had the same guy as me), but on the other I now have to wait again to actually be in the class. Anyway, that's all for now. Good day.